Sunday, June 22, 2014

Summer with Bubs: Thursday--June 12th

All day I craved SMORES. And Bubba being the stud muffin he is decided to make it happen.
We went to the store to get all the stuff.
So we needed:
Graham Crackers

We walk into Macey's and BAM right as we walk in there's a smores kit. Which included:
marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers. Could it BE anymore perfect?!
oh AND if you bought the little kit you got a marshmallow roaster stick thing for FREE.
This was meant to be.

We came back to his house. Made a little fire pit out of bricks and dirt. Then using just our intelligence and wood... and maybe a couple others things... we (Bubba) made a beautiful fire!
Isn't it perfect? Well done Bubs.

I feel that the second describes our relationship perfectly. Haha
So we roasted marshmallows and made the yummiest smores. But really, I've never had a smore taste so good before. Maybe it's because I wanted them so bad...
It got dark pretty quick but that's ok because we had the fire as our light.

There's just something so great about summer fires. You don't NEED the fire to be warm. It's already the right temperature outside. It's so relaxing just sitting by the fire and staring into its burning center.

After eating our weight in smores, we sat back and enjoyed the fire for a while. It was nice:) Just sitting there the two of us.
Then--we got a brilliant idea.
We should try and pop popcorn on the fire!
Bubba cleverly designed a little popper holder.. and we watched the kernels heat up and burst. It was way cooler than watching it in the microwave.

Overall: a perfect night, spend perfectly, with the perfect boy

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