Monday, June 23, 2014


Everyone!! I have the best news in the whole world!!
I finally found someone to buy my contract at Alpine Village! I know I haven't lived there in about two months--but--I could never find anyone to buy the rest of my year long contract so I've been paying it even though I haven't been living there. Which has been a big pain in the butt. My bank account has NOT liked it.

Anyway. That's all. I don't have to pay tons of money for no reason anymore. YAY :)

On a side note: my brother is on his way to go get a physical.
I've heard about those... and that does NOT sound fun. I don't know how I've managed to do it but I've never had a physical before in my life. Which is probably bad because who knows I probably have cancer or something.
But I am most definitely NOT looking forward to when I have to visit the "lady doctor"
YUCK. What normal person thinks to themselves "wow I really want to work with ______ all day!" Noooooo sir. That's not normal. But I'm glad that some people do it. I just don't want to go, ya know?

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