Sunday, February 3, 2013

{Like, death or something}

I am sick.
My body hates me and one day said "you know what we haven't been in a while....? Sick."
So here I am. Sickly.

Now. NORMALLY.. Sicknesses tend to go for 1 day to 5 ((MAX!))
This thing, this sickness has been around for 10 days now!!

My diagnosis? It's gotta be a bad case of like, death or something.

I'm achy, my nose is Niagra Falls, I'm tired all the time, and I have the cough from H-E- double hockey sticks. ((But really. Only Satan could have given me this wicked cough))
Now I am a very self conscious person, and I have a hard time doing certain  things.. Ex. Blowing my nose in church. Or actually ANYWHERE someone can hear that vile and disgusting sound of mucus excreting from my nasal conchae. No one should have to hear that!!

Anyway. Last night was pretty rough for me. Apparently when you lie down it enhances the coughing and they come more often. I was having coughing attacks for about a half an hour ((and I even had taken NyQuil!)) and it got to a point where I was thinking... Ok this is it. I am dying. It's time to go. Goodbye cruel world of waterfall noses and never ending coughs that burn..

And then my hero came in. Mi papà. Mon perè. My dad

He said Amy. We NEED to get you some medicine. ((Earlier in the day I had told him of the magical medicine someone had given me at youth conference. It took away all of my symptoms and I could taste the happiness of life again, but it didn't last... Anyway my dad found out that it's not just a buy where ever you want drug. You have to get it at the pharmacy because it is so strong, teenagers were using it to get high. Well that explains things))

My dad goes out ((in the middle of the night no less)) and goes to 3 different stores to find our "magical meth drug"

No luck.

So he drives all the way to the hospital in Provo, goes to the pharmacy next door to get me this miracle of miracle drugs. He brings it home to me and I immediately fall asleep within 5 minutes. Thank you magical miracle meth drug. Thank you daddy. You're my hero:)

So here I am. Still sick today. Still miserable. But now I have my magical medicine. And it's going to be my best friend until I'm healthy and well again. And I sure do hope, that is soon.

1 comment:

  1. Ames, you have fought this satanic disease with grace and dignity. I am just so sorry that I cannot make it go away. I am a little embarrassed by being called a hero, but never forget that I would do anything for you--whenever you needed it. We'll keep fighting together and eventually we will win! Just remember that I love you...don't be shy about asking for anything you need. <3
